Alcino Soutinho – Realismo Confortável

Identity and graphics for “Alcino Soutinho – Realismo Confortável” (Alcino Soutinho – Comfortable Realism), a retrospective dedicated to one of the most influential and notable Portuguese architects.

360° Panorama E-Learning

Identity and annual report for 360° Panorama E-Learning, a long-run study of e-learning practices.

De Lápis Na Mão

Identity and graphics for Alcino Soutinho’s De Lápis Na Mão, an exhibition devoted to the architect’s paintings, drawings, sketches, and prints.

Porto Poetic

Identity and graphics for an exhibition celebrating the works of Pritzker winners Siza Vieira and Eduardo Souto de Moura, along with other major Portuguese architects.

Remade In Portugal – Viagem

Identity and graphics for the 7th Remade In Portugal, an arts and literature exhibition, focused around traveling traveling.